Scientific society of graduate students and students (НTAiS) of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka is a self-governing association of graduate students and university students that operates on a public basis.
The main goal of the NTAiS activity is to comprehensively support the scientific, inventive and other creative activities of students and graduate students.
To achieve the set goal, NTAiS sets itself the following tasks:
promoting the formation of conditions for revealing the scientific and creative potential of students and graduate students of Lesya Ukrainka University;
search for and support of talented researchers among students and post-graduate students of Lesia Ukrainka University, providing them with comprehensive assistance;
contributing to the formation of the personality of a researcher, a modern scientist with a broad democratic outlook;
organization and development of interuniversity and international scientific and cultural cooperation, etc.
The coordination of the scientific and organizational work of the Scientific Society graduate students and students is carried out by the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international cooperation.